The dukan diet book was the rage in France nearly a decade ago and still continues to be. It was written by Dr. Dukan, a dietitian. This book is the result of his research in this field for over 30 years. A lot of people vouch for it. It has helped them to lose those extra pounds that they were unable to get rid of with other means. It is believed that more than 5 million people are following the dukan diet in France alone and now it is taken the whole of Europe by storm. Lot of celebrities are also rumored to follow this diet plan.
The dukan diet book was followed with the website on the Internet and now there are lot of people following it worldwide. Dr. Dukan was a neurologist by profession. Once a friend of his approached him for suggestion regarding weight loss and he advised to him to try a protein rich diet, and it worked. He was so amazed by the result he saw in his friend that he decided to devote his time in this field. He has helped lot of people to get over with their problem with obesity.
The dukan diet is his brainchild. According to this diet, a person has to follow four phases. The first two phases allows as person to lose weight, and the last two phase helps you not only to come back to a normal way of eating but at the same time prevents you from putting back the lost weights unlike other diet plans.
The first phase, the attack phase, will last for 2-10 days depending on the amount of weight you want to lose. This phase allows you to have only protein rich food, such as lean meat, low fat diary products, sea food etc.
In the second phase, the cruise phase, non-starchy vegetables are introduced. You have to alternate the pure protein-only diet with protein and vegetable diet each day.
In the third phase, the consolidation phase, fruits, starchy vegetables, bread, etc, are introduced in moderation and two celebration meals a week is allowed.
Last is the stabilization phase, when you can eat what you want, but the seventh day should be protein-only diet. This helps you shed any extra pounds you have managed to put on in that week.
The dukan diet book gives an easy to follow diet plan with no calorie counting. It comes with simple guidelines, menu planners and recipes thereby helping people to follow it to the letter. This book is now being translated into 10 languages and adopted by 20 countries.
Read more The Dukan Diet Review