Dukan diet plan originated in France and is suspected to be followed by famous celebrities to maintain their figure. It seems to be the new craze in Europe amongst the health and beauty conscious people. It was created and popularized by Dr. Pierre Dukan in France which was followed by websites and Dukan diet reviews over the internet.
This particular dieting helps you to lose oodles of weight in just a matter of time, and the best part being it does not allow you to gain back those lost weight. Strong determination and will power to stick to the diet plan to the letter added with a little bit of exercise is sure to help you to attain that awesome figure you so much yearn for. This diet plan although is based on high protein intake it actually let’s you gulp down strict no-no food in other diet plans, such as chocolates, but in later stages.
The dukan diet reviews will help you a sneak peak into this world of dieting. Dukan diet has four phases: attack, cruise, consolidation, and stabilization. The attack phase which last up to seven days emphasize on diet rich only in protein. The diet includes lean meat, fish, and non-fatty diary products. In the cruise phase you are allowed to have a variety of vegetables along with your high protein diet but has to alternate it with protein-only diet. In consolidation phase you are allowed not only to eat vegetables along with your high protein intake every day but also can have few servings of fruits and certain quantities of bread and starchy meals. In this phase you are also allowed couple of meals where you can have what you like. In the stabilization phase you should have protein-only diet on the seventh day of the week and on all other days, one can have anything that they wish to have.
As with any diet plan, dukan diet also comes with certain side effects which can be easily overcome if you stick to the plan. It is insisted in all the four phases to drink plenty of water to overcome certain side effects such as constipation, and to help flush out toxicities such uric acid which is the by product of protien rich diet. A few servings of oat barn and wheat flakes are recommended for making up for the lack of fiber in the diet. In order to maintain a proper nutrient intake vitamin and mineral supplement must be taken. As per the dukan diet reviews it's not the amount of calories that we eat that matter but it's the type of calories that make all the difference.
Click Here to Read More The Dukan Diet Review